As any good teacher will tell you, one thing we must do to ensure our students receive the knowledge they need is through reinforcement, and re-teaching. We can never reinforce our students enough, for ignorance is an enemy that does not retreat. That was yesterday. God was reteaching me of the importance of the Arts, and the need to bring justice to the oppressed. The two are not mutually exclusive of each other. God, who is sovereign over all will reconcile, that is bring into Harmony, all things to Himself.
As I teach and reteach, I am always sure to affirm my students when they do demonstrate understanding. That is to tell them, "Great work, now keep working."
Such was today.
Today former denomination took me to lunch, (as well as a several other students). Even though my late church died over five years ago, I still feel a strong bond with them, and it was good to connect with that body again.
Over lunch I had great conversation with another attendee who had some mutual friends and was pursuing the degree I want at the school I would like to attend.
It was encouraging.
I attended a "Serving God by Teaching in the Public Schools" seminar. I wasn't aware of it at first until it was pointed out to me last night. I thought, "That's what I should do, because that's what I'm doing!" As you can see it was a packed house, sitting room only. Somehow a few hundred managed to pack in there. Dr. Forrest Turpen of Christian Educators Association International described the public schools as being a closed country. And many people become Christians between ages of 4-14.
I can't remember the last thing I saw that was as encouraging as seeing that room full of teachers and soon to be teachers, who want to teach and make a difference.
Dr. Bill Ziegler also highlighted the laws about expression of religion in the public schools by students and teachers. There's so much bullshit and ignorance of the laws of what we can and can't do, it's revolting.
I've been teaching special education for the past three years, working with students who can't function in the normal classroom, and have been a youth advocate mentoring youth in foster care for the past year. I love both jobs, and though I get an extremely positive response when I tell people what I do, that's not the reason I do it.
I do it because it needs to be done.
I do it because I love it.
Sitting in on that session, I couldn't help but get the thinking to myself over and over, "Keep doing what you're doing."
considering the public school as their mission field
There were several HUNDRED in that room.
As students begin to show mastery of what they have learned a good teacher will challenge them to expand their view, to think deeper, longer, at a problem with the skills they have obtained.
Afterward, I attended the "Musicians Living Fully in Christ" track, which members of the worship team discussed what it was like to be a musician. One of the most important points they made at the beginning was to be professional, and show up on time.
They also said to keep working at your music, build relationships, take care of your health, and most importantly, enjoy what you do.
I've made some great strides musically over the past year from releasing an album, leading some incredible worship times, ROCKING a showcase in front of my influences. And I know I still have a long way to go. It's going to be a challenge.
As I left, I the thought kept running around, "Keep going where you're going."
encouraged us to keep doing the good we are and challenged us to take the church to the next level.
and encouraging at the same time, showing us new perspectives. 24,000 lives are lost a day to poverty
and hardship. Good intentions must be accompanied by the humility to keep our mouthes shut long enough to
hear what others need to tell us so we will see them as people, not as numbers in our programs.
As I discussed the day with the my newly adopted family group, I came to realize God who is the great teacher,
and our advocate has been reinforcing what I learned in the years since Urbana06, encouraged me to keep
striving in my jobs, and keep going in my pursuit of music, writing, art, education, missions, and everything else He's given
me an interest/passion in.
"Keep doing what you're doing.
Keep going where you're going.
Just as I've been with you so far,
So I will continue to be with you."
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