Sunday, April 4, 2010

Summit for Someone Benefit Art Show

A role model does not get more positive than this.

I hope Dr. Crowe doesn't see what we're doing in his gallery.

So it turns out that March has been one of the busiest months for me, more so than usual. Aside from work I have: played three gigs, helped organize and promote a benefit for Haiti, took an impromptu trip out to Wine Country and the Bay Area to surprise my sister, and organize and promote the Summit for Someone Benefit Art Show.

A couple friends of mine, Kyle Gerecke and Jordan Duncan will be climbing a couple mountains in Mexico for Summit for Someone, an organization that gets at risk youth out of the city and into the wilderness around positive role models.

Our show featured my photography as taken by my camera phone, photos from Kyle's travels, and Josh Reeves' New Kind of Art.

This art show served as a fundraiser for Kyle and Jordan, as well as mine and Kyle's debut as an artists. We are The New Generation of Artists. This is our declaration.

We got a lot of love from the good folks at the Southeast Missourian, who ran this awesome article on us

"We believe in the power of art to inspire hope," Picar said.

He said a photograph can be more than just a pretty picture. It can also be a way to address human issues like slavery, AIDS and hunger.

"We can use our talents to bring about changes," Picar said. "I want people who encounter me, my photography and my music to see a bit of themselves, but I want them to see beyond that, to something greater."

Special thanks to:
Dr. David Crowe for the gracious use of his gallery

Sherri Gerecke at the ImageMaker for cheap posters and printing out our photos,

Chris Harris and Darren Burgfeld at the Southeast Missourian for the great coverage

Brittney Reid for supplying bakies and water,

Leslie Hazelwood at Major Brands Distrubiting for donating wine,

The folks at Cape Arts Council and Old Town Cape for some love.

And everyone who showed up.

The showcase wall. L to R: Josh Reeves, Myself, Kyle, Myself, then Josh

Training, art, it's all the same to us

How can you not support these guys?

This is just some of the art.

We are the New Generation of Artists. We believe we can use our talents to help others discover theirs.

Our next event is the Second Annual Epic Marathon of Stairs. On May 1 at the Common Pleas Courthouse we'll be climbing all day until we match the height of Mt. Everest. We are both fired up and dreading this event. For more details, please read our account from the First Annual Epic Marathon of Stairs.

Hope to see you there. We'll be starting climbing at 3AM. Not even Rocky is this dedicated!

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