Some time ago Josh Reeves suggested I should write about getting older. I wanted to, but the ideas had to gestate, and sometimes it takes life to get the words out. So I thought last weekend was my busiest and most eventful weekend so far, I mean it's not everyday you get launch a CD you've put the first 28 years of your life into, an help make the difference in the lives of Lord knows how many.
That is until this weekend. At work, my state supervisor came in and helped me catch up. My current primary day job is helping mentor youth in foster care. I really love it, and I'm surprised at how much I was able to get done inspite of limited availability.
I got to leave work a little early for this
This is me and my boys at Mayberry's (far left) wedding. Mark Welker, Nick Pupek, and myself all thought the night felt surreal.
"Wow, it doesn't feel like one of us just got married." I remarked to them.
At ten thirty at the reception I got the most random call, and anyone who knows me, knows I get a lot of random calls.
"Hello Aaron this is Rob from Touchstone Records, we saw your face in the paper last week, and one of my colleagues saw you perform at Grace Cafe and we are very interested."
And I thought, who calls at 10:3o on a Friday night to do business? I've been doing this music thing for five years now, seriously for about three, and I never, ever thought I'd get a call like that. In listening to myself, since I'm so eclectic and quirky, I never thought I'd actually get any attention from a label. So I'm expecting another phone call.
Rob, if you read this, I'm interested. Let's talk.
And today, apparently these kids, Ameila and Anna my twin nieces looked like this three years ago:
Now look like this:
And they've got a little brother too:
When did all this happen? Seriously. Who knew five years ago any of this would be happening. Suddenly I'm 28, and have gone through 15 jobs (some of which include: pruning grapevines, teaching High School and College, youth and worship ministries, industrial cleaning, retail, and operating a roller coaster), have two nieces and a nephew, been in five churches, written two unpublished books with another I'm working on, and now one of my boys is married with two others in serious relationships, one who's starting a business in Nashville, and finished a CD with the possibility of getting signed.
And tomorrow, I'm going to visit Brad and Janet who just bought a house and moved in.
I told my boys, "It'll be interesting to see where we all are at the end of the year."
It's exciting to say the least
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