“My Love says to stay when I would run, give away when I have none, my Love.” --Kevin Lawson
If anyone is in need of something, give. If you are need of encouragement, encourage someone else. If you need comfort, comfort someone in need. If do not feel appreciated, sincerely tell someone you appreciate them. Forgiveness? Then forgive someone who has wronged you.
Yet how does one give when one has nothing? We do not give from our own resources, for our wells are always dry and corrupt. The water by which we can assuage our deepest thirsts come not from us, but from above. From an ever-flowing stream of living water that will never run dry. "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." We have been given water by a great shepherd who we shall not want under His care, whose grace is sufficient, who will supply all our needs according to His glorious riches.
It is not by our ability that we are able to help others, because we have no ability to help others. It is God, who shares Himself with us abundantly and lavishes us with His perfect character, His holy presence, His sovereign providence. For by giving to others, sharing with others, when we are lacking, we experience love. As Tolstoy wrote, “Where there is love, God is there also.”
A couple years ago I found myself involved with some church's activities. The kid who ran the activity I was involved with had gone on a streak of isolation and self-destruction, the likes of which that even on the best of my worst times, I would never be able to equal. He had become a cardboard shipwreck of a person, who complained incessantly about the pettiest, most insignificant of matters, and deluded himself into believe that others were to blame for his mess. I sat with him to try and figure out why.
He bemoaned to me, “All I've ever wanted is to have help. All I've ever wanted is support. I just want to be loved and appreciated.”
He didn't ask for anything irrational, for these are the deepest longings of human nature. I asked in response, “What have you done to support and help others? What have you done to show love or appreciation to others, especially those under you?” He could not answer for he knew he had done nothing.
There is a direct correlation between how well we feel about ourselves, and how well we treat others. This kid was the sort of person who would consume others for what they could do for him, and never reciprocated. He would even turn on them once he had consumed everything. When we met he had nothing left, and sat alone in a dark room, upon a soiled chair, surrounded by derelict reminders of his crumbling ego like a shrine left to ruin.
When we consume, we have nothing left. When we cultivate we cause others to grow for everyone's benefit. We cultivate by sowing into, serving in love, and giving and sharing with others. The results will be a multiplying, over abounding harvest that will never perish or fade away. There is no denying that consumption is much easier. It is with great effort, work, difficulty, sweat, that a farmer or gardener is able to cultivate the land, bring seed to purchase, and reap a harvest. One must endure stones and thorns, bites and stings, summer's swelter and winter's frost to bring harvest. And you will get your hands dirty. There's an old saying in wine making, “Back of this wine is the vinter and all his years of skill. Back of it all are the vines, the sun, the rain, and the Master and His will.” That is we may plant and water, but it is “God who causes growth.” And the result will be a vibrant harvest full of rich colours, and nourishment for everyone to enjoy.
There will be disappointment. We will experience frustration. We will fail. We will encounter others with whom we will fall out. We will take a beating. There is no way to sugar coat this reality. But the things that cause us to groan in this life, will prepare us for glory in the next.